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Study On The Relationship Between Corporate Governance And The Equity Ownership Structure Of Listed Companies In China

Posted on:2005-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360152466033Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the subject of corporate governance was put forward in 1930s in western countries, a remarkable achievement has been made on the related researches in theory and practice. Comparatively speaking, researches on corporate governance in China just start, which don' t keep up with the reform of Chinese state-owned enterprises. At present, a lot of studies on the relationship between the listed companies' equity ownership structure (EOS) and corporate governance point out that there is some correlation between a company 's value and the EOS, and the EOS has positive or negative effect on corporate governance.On the basis of previous researches and international comparison, the dissertation is managing to make a further study on how the listed companies' EOS affects corporate governance. First, the dissertation discusses the relationship between listed companies' EOS in China and corporate governance by using theoretical analysis , a lot of positive researches and case studies . Second, accordingto the above study, the dissertation draws the following conclusions: there is little correlation between state-owned shares and corporate governance performance; higher percentage of legal-person shares result in better corporate governance; liquid shares have little effect on corporate governance; there is some correlation between the concentration rate of shares and the ROE of listed companies; the relation between the listed companies' EOS and corporate governance performance vary with the option of measuring index . Finally, the dissertation gives some suggestion on perfecting the EOS and improving corporate governance of Chinese listed companies on the basis of the above studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:corporate governance, firm performance, equity ownership of structure positive study
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