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Problems And Countermeasures Of Villagers Participate In Village Governance

Posted on:2011-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330332964032Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Grassroots democracy is an important part of socialist democracy, and the grass-roots democracy is a more prominent position in the Communist Party Congress report, which require the development of grassroots democracy as the basis for the development of socialist democratic politics. The Villagers participate in village governance which play an important part of grassroots democracy. Therefore ,the villagers to participate in village governance has important practical significance. The Chinese Communist Party Central Committee of the 17th session of the third plenary meeting hold on October 9, 2008 to 12 in Beijing, which propose that in 2020, the basic objectives of the rural reform and development tasks are: further strengthen the building of rural grassroots organizations ,perfect the villagers'self-government system, effectively guaranteeing the democratic rights of farmers. Equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas, better implementation the famers'basic cultural rights and interests, which everyone has the rights to study, further improve the rural basic social security, and basic medical and health system , further improve rural social management system , Resource-saving and environment-friendly agricultural production system is basically formed. Rural living and ecological environment improved and the ability of sustainable development continuously enhanced. The basic goals of rural reform and development must be realized in the course of the villagers to participate in village governance. The villagers to participate in village governance contribute to the goals of rural reform and development.Villagers to participate in village governance is that in rural areas, the villagers and their organizations through a certain way to configured and operate the rural public affairs with the public power and then meet public demand for the villagers to promote the development process in rural areas. Villagers to participate in village governance is a powerful protection in building a new socialist countryside is an enabling support to promote the development of the grass-roots democrat is a favorable way to enhance trust in government and village folk is the inevitable path to optimizating the main conditions of the villagers. Through the research the status quo ,we found that the villagers to participate in village governance has made remarkable achievements in China. Such as: the subject is diversification, filed is broad-based,form is diversification, we should find the problems when See our achievements, such as,the lack of institutional participation,the non-standard of treatment,ineffective governance. We propose the improvement measures to these issues. We can promote the villagers to participate in village governance, to achieve good governance. Through these manners: clearing and protecting the dominant position of village governance , establishing and improving the villagers to participate in village governance system, improving the mechanism for villagers to participate in village governance...
Keywords/Search Tags:Villagers to participate, village governance, issues, Strategy
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