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The Legal Force Of The Auto Loan Insurance Contact That The Bank As The Beneficiary

Posted on:2011-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Insurance Law, Eighteenth Articles stipulates clearly that the beneficiary is the life insurance contract by the insured or insurance policy holders have designated people who claim that the beneficiary of the insurance law does not adjust the legal norms of property insurance. Jurisprudence is based on the beneficiary for the Yang-insured husband to safeguard the livelihood of people living, and the nature of property insurance is provided for the insured loss compensation, does not involve third party beneficiary issue. For Auto Loan Insurance contract agreement on the bank for the benefit of the insurance does not produce the sense of the legal consequences of the beneficiaries, but not any legal consequences at all. Auto Loan Insurance insured in favor of the agreement is not the purpose bank for the bank to set interest free, and its real intentions and should be insured in the event of an accident after the insurer can not repay the bank loans due to the insurance claim for the insurance company's transfer to the bank, its legal nature is the transfer of claims. People's courts should respect the autonomy of the parties, assignment of claims related to legal recognition for the insured, insurance companies, rights and obligations between banks.
Keywords/Search Tags:property insurance, beneficiary, insurance functions, debts transaction
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