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The Preliminary Summarization Of The Conception Of Civil Society

Posted on:2011-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q SunFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Civil society" in the sociological study, can be used both as a fact of experience that can also be interpreted as a mode of discourse. This paper aims to "civil society" theory of "basic materials" that concept, the "civil society" preliminary analysis of this concept, try the Western concept of civil society development, evolution of a general sort, there is mainly as a tool for interpretation of civil society, including the objective level does not rule out the existence of specific civil society.This paper mainly from the four parts:.Part I. Introduction, There are mainly on the sort of "civil society" concept of the authentic Western-style value, the Summary of the theoretical concept of civil society and the idea of this research and application of the main research method.The second part analyses the evolution of the concept of civil society and development, including the classical concept of civil society, the modern concept of civil society and the modern concept of civil society.The third part is the "civil society" in the new complex, is divided into two sections, section I, is the ambiguity of civil society's analysis, that is, the meaning of their descriptive, analytical meaning and value and meaning of a more induction, Section II Analysis of a preliminary look at the concept of civil society and other relations, such as civil society and civil society, civil society, civil society and the private sector, public sector, civil society and state these concepts.The fourth part is the conclusion, the concept of civil society in the awareness and understanding of the Chinese people on the basis of a brief discussion of issues related to social research, including how to deal with China's modernization process the relationship between state and civil society such as the initial thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:Civil society, Conception, Summarization, Limited government, Public sphere, Private sphere
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