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Legal Research On China's Development Of Low-carbon Economy

Posted on:2012-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330335971011Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The concept of low-carbon economy, already has a wealth of scientific content. Low-carbon economy is a concept of development, industrial structure adjustment and optimization, technological innovation, and production patterns, lifestyles, values and national interests, and it is very rich in content. "UN Framework Convention on Climate Change"and the"Kyoto Protocol"as the global response to climate change, the basic documents of international law, making the country had to take a low carbon economy development. Response to global climate change and reduce energy consumption, eliminate pollution, has become a global constant, one of the most talked about. At present, countries are actively developing low-carbon economy, developed countries were significantly more developed regions. First low-carbon British economy, the EU employment opportunities to low-carbon economy as the opportunity,US has invested heavily in low-carbon economy legislation. From the NCP has proposed the construction of environmentally friendly, resource-saving society, the party's congress proposed the building of a socialist ecological civilization, and fully demonstrates China's energy, environment and climate change issues seriously. However, the current rapid economic development in China is the consumption of large amounts of energy, destroying the environment. Low carbon economy in China is facing many serious problems. Mainly: low-carbon economy faces difficult, facing technical and financial bottlenecks, reduction of international pressure is relatively large.This paper investigates the developed countries, low-carbon economy policy and law. EU and the US, Britain, Japan has a clear strategic goals, improved legal framework, strengthened construction, mechanisms to promote technological innovation, and establish a more comprehensive low-carbon economic policies and laws. National or regional economic and legal development of low carbon content and the content of the policy, each have their own characteristics, the development of low-carbon economy in China has an important inspiration to the main inspiration are: to improving the low-carbon technologies; to establish a system Supporting the law; to focus on the establishment of market mechanisms of emissions trading; to encourage enterprises to play the main role; to actively participate in international cooperation.Contemporary China's economic development and the corresponding non-carbon of the legal, policy status quo is, high pollution, high energy path of economic development and the status quo. China's current laws and policies of environmental resources in the development of low-carbon economy there are many deficiencies, such as, the legal system is not established, the lack of supporting regulations requires the existence of innovative mechanisms such issues as the main performance. On this basis, the article analyzes the legal and policy led to the current development of low-carbon economy insufficient reasons.Finally, the development of low-carbon economy in China made the following policy and legal advice. First, the attention to building low-carbon development the mode of production, consumption patterns and encourage low-carbon development in policies, legal system, especially the market mechanism. Second, the structure of the concrete from the low carbon economy incentives and sanctions regime. For example, fiscal policy, tax policy, financial policy, technology policy. Third, accelerate low-carbon economy legislation, strengthening of policy and law enforcement. Fourth, make relevant policies, laws and regulations supporting and coordination. Fifth, actively participate in international cooperation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Low-carbon economy, Situation, Mechanism, Policy and Law, Recommendation
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