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Legal Analysis Of The Electronic Evidence

Posted on:2012-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330338497414Subject:Procedural Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of science and technology and electronic commerce and electronic affairs in our lives there should be higher, the proof by a pair of brand-new face in our view. it was not like the witness it, and so . it is even like a vague the spectre of the judicial activities of a miracle. The modern electronic commerce case, computer, or in a traditional tort case and so on, the evidence. chaplin's.The so-called electronic evidence of the force of law is mainly refers to the evidence would have the effect of evidence and what kind of evidence, mainly includes electronic specific evidence of evidence and the evidence of admissibility and competency. have been, for an evidence of deposits, and legal status, admissibility and competency a problem exists a wide range of dispute, the judicial them in the application was chaotic.Our long-term employment law move forward, of course, the evidence did not have legal status. in the judicial practice, the evidence has been widely used, but the evidence of the provisions are still few and far between. the evidence qualitative, status, competency and standardized the use of electronic card, is also a priority. our legislationThe four points with the evidence of the legal effect. the first chapter of the evidence of historical evolution, the evidence put forward the concept of ownership of the evidence. a good suggestion that electrons form of electronic legal environment and standardize the electronic commerce, is handful for the effective combat computer crime. the second chapter from the evidence of admissibility and competency to the evidence and circumstance. Chapter iii of the evidence to prove its role, in the application. this chapter mainly deals with the proof investigation and evidence gathering of evidence, corroboration rules for electronic and electrical evidence and identification of the rules of the building, and the evidence of the cross-examination. the fourth chapter in our electronic evidence of the local building, the evidence of the legislation need and possibilities, and the electronic mode of thinking and evidence the legislative option.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic Evidence, The Best Evidence Rule, Admissibility of evidence, Probative force
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