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Research On Customer Resource Value Judgment System And Value Mining

Posted on:2006-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360152989472Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, enterprise attaches more and more attention to customers than products. Customer has become one of the most importance resources in the enterprise, but not all customers is valuable to enterprise, so selecting real customer is essential to enterprise. In order to select the real customer, enterprise should judge the value of customer. In the same time, as far as the enterprise development is concerned, selecting the real customer only means first step, so enterprise also need to mine the value of the real customer to maximize the enterprise profit. Firstly, paper analyzes the lack of the existing articles, then uses the theory of customer lifetime value to explore the customer resource value and brings forward a judgment system from the angles of base value, future value, non-currency value, potential value and keeping value. Paper also explains how to decide on weight coefficient by AHP and how to use the judgment system. Finally, paper analyzes the developing strategies for different value customer. Second, paper designs the customer resource value mining system in detail by the technologies of data warehouse and data mining, which forms a complete view of product, customer and transaction. On the basis of forecast theories, paper uses the data mining technique to form the customer behavior forecast model to mine the customer resource value from currency value, non-currency value and keeping value. Paper also put on additional enterprise management strategies. Finally, paper summers the influence on customer resource value mining which customer loyalty brings, and find out how to increase the customer loyalty. In a word, research work will help enterprises find the real customers and use advanced technology to mine the customer resource value to achieve the enterprise success.
Keywords/Search Tags:Customer Resource Value, Judgment system, Data Warehouse, Data Mining, Customer Loyalty
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