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Optimizing On Enterprise Stratagem Programming Based On Stratagem Value Management Analyzing

Posted on:2006-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360152994386Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Measuring the value of corporation stratagem is the indispensably considered content in corporation stratagem management or stratagem planning, and it is the base of stratagem feasibility analyzing; This article bring forward a idea of corporation-stratagem-value-management, and take "corporation stratagem value module (SVM) as a tool of stratagem management in the quantitative analyzing of stratagem planning, stratagem operating and controlling, while quantitative analyzing is the key step in stratagem quantitative management.Traditional enterprise stratagem programming always is decided by decision-making bases on qualitative analysis, and it is subjectively decided not on quantitative analyze of the managing data, but the enterprise environment and condition enterprise, so the stratagem always means some subjective; At the same time, Optimizing enterprise stratagem programming, based on stratagem value management analyzing is a study of score to effect of corporation stratagem, and always point the view with stratagem risk, stratagem cost, and stratagem income together; And this method has combined analysis tools such as SWOT Matrix Theory and Strategic Dendritic Decompose chart, and with the help of these tools, the article quantitative analyzed and...
Keywords/Search Tags:Stratagem Value, Stratagem Value Modulus (SVM), Stratagem Risk Modulus (SRM)
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