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The Selection Of Paradigm In The Economic Modernization Of China

Posted on:2006-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C QiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360155462407Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, our country is at the important stage of modernization phrase. As a socialist developing country, how to hold the opportunities under the globalization tide and information-based tide, develop with higher speed, and achieve the modernization of our country in 21st century is a great theoretical question and realistic problem. Meanwhile, as the important component of modernization, the choice of economic modernization model also restricts our country's modernization directly.Based on above thinking, this thesis begins with paradigmatic theory by Kuhn and the general theories with regard to economic modernization, combines them together in an organic manner and advances the basic connotation and theoretical foundation in terms of "paradigm of economic modernization". Then the author makes a comprehensive analysis of several paradigms since the human modernization from diverse perspectives like the temporal sequence, economic systems, regional distinctions and constructs three paradigmatic models regarding economic modernization: the pathway paradigm of "multiple and nonlinear"; the environmental paradigm of "determinism of complex factors from both extrinsic and intrinsic"; the structural paradigm of "three-dimensional and interactive".Meanwhile, the author conducts a historical investigation into the economic modernization paradigms employed from the founding of the People Republic of China, and probes into the certainty of selecting the new modernization paradigm in the new age. On the base of reflecting the previous paradigms profoundly and draws a conclusion in combination with the constructed paradigmatic models in the first section, that is, the integration of industrialization and informatization is the most appropriate development strategy in the process of economic modernization of new century. Besides, several relationships in need of coordination and some corresponding measures are suggested.In summary, this thesis adopts the thinking way of "from general to particular and from abstract to concrete" and employs the research methods like unionization of history and logic, comparative method and combination of theory and practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pradigm, The paradigms of economic modernization, Industrialization and informatization
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