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Research Some Issues On The Embezzlement

Posted on:2005-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y YanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article makes some useful discusses on certain level pointing at several knotty problems upon disputes of embezzlement in theory and puzzle of embezzlement in judicial practice. In the way of applying both theory and practical experience according to crime law, judicial interpretation and relevant policies. This article mainly discusses 5 problems.The first problem mainly discusses the criminal object of embezzement, which includes public property, "present, insurance money and incorporated property and breaks up the tradition theory of "object of crime must be public property".The second problem specially describes the objective consciousness of corruption crime and discusses making use of post convinience of embezzement and several problems needed to master before decision.The third problem focuses on the identification to the criminal subject of embezzement and describes the subjective scope of corruption crime on the basis of the brief introduction to legal rules and legislative evolution of relevant problems.The forth problem discusses the subjective consciousness and their intentions and their purposes and their motives.The fifth interpreted the judicial criteria of embezzement, the dividing lines between corrpution crime and non-corruption crime, and between embezzement and other related crimes; and an investigation injudicial deal with concrete matters.
Keywords/Search Tags:the embezzlement, the constitution of the embezzlement, judicial recognition
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