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On The Chinese Factors Of Russian Diplomatic Strategy Of East And West In Putin Period

Posted on:2006-10-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X DanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360182498501Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Russia's foreign strategy in the cross-century and the beginning of 21th century, plays an important role not only in Russia itself, but also in the forming of new international structures. This is not for Russia is a large country whose activities will have effects on the international political domain after the cold war, but according to the statement of some Russians, foreign actions of this new-born country will attract worldwide attention. Since Putin has been in power, a new Russia's foreign image, whieh doesn't go well all the time, but is full of energy, has been developing. After Kosovo war, the attact in September 11, especially after Iraqi war, the situation that the US becomes the only superpower in contemporary world is admitted of no doubt. President Putin in time grasps the opportunity entrusted by history ,pays much attention to Russia's state interests ,consider facing the west and east as the motto of Russia's foreign affairs, sets up a more confident image appearing on the international stage. Both china and Russia are major countries of contemporary world ,permanent members of the security council in the United Nation ,at the same time both of them are neighbors .After the end of the cold war ,under the situation that the political power in the world loses balance ,unilateral monopolization appears ,as the balance political powers in the world ,china and Russia play an important role in maintaining international stability ,security and peace ,bringing about the common advance of all countries ,so both countries play an important role in the other's foreign strategy respectively ,for china it has special meaning for researching Sino-Russia's relations because of the same social system experienced in both countries ,the influence from Russia's foreign policy .At the same time ,for Russia who pursues all-round diplomatic policy in balancing the east and the west ,it wants to ensure the equality of state security and interests distribution by realizing the balance among major countries and areas .with the direction of such kind of foreign strategy ,Russia should makes friends with the west (especially with the US ) at the first of place ,while Russia needs to get the balance from other strength in order to avoid each side dominates the world .That is to say ,Russia use...
Keywords/Search Tags:Diplomatic Strategy of the East and the West, Russo-American relation, Chinese Factors, Sino- Russian Relation
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