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Analysis The Perfection Of The State-owned Corporate Governance

Posted on:2006-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ShiFull Text:PDF
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The corporate governance refers to the system arrangement ,the control and operation of company. The corporate governance is a kind of system adapted to resolve the agency problem, after the ownership of modern business enterprise and the management powers separated. This kind of system bring out a set of scientific mechanism to establish the company organization and operation, to define the responsibility relationship among the shareholder meeting, board of directors, manager's personnel and the supervisor meeting, to specify the operation behavior of shareholder, board of directors, manager's personnel and supervisors in the process of the company operation, making the company move on the foundation of clear property right, specified responsibility and compromised benefits. Illustrating the actual operation of a large and state-owned business enterprise managed by province, and based on the scholar's research data, this article exposed the present condition of state-owned business enterprise from a realistic view. For the reason of the specialty of property owner, The corporate governance of State-owned company is confronted with various problems, for examples, circumventing the company governance, exclusively control by internal person of company, high cost for delegating, a great deal of behavior of the controlling shareholder eating their words, doing harm to medium and small shareholders etc. The corporate governance is in vain, the crucial reason lies in the specialty of property owner. therefore, in order to cope with all these problems, the author proposed an independent shareholder meeting with enough power, and one kind of company governance which is featured by check and balance and the blending of the limit and incentive, as to ensure the benefits brought by the state-owned share and settle the relation among other people who have something to do with the company in the respect of benefit.
Keywords/Search Tags:The state-owned company, the corporate governance, The management system of state-owned property
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