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Comparative Study On North Korea Nuclear Crisis And Iran Nuclear Crisis

Posted on:2007-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360182993488Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the nuclear disturbance of Indian and Pakistan in the year of 1998, the North Korea nuclear crisis and Iran nuclear crisis were rising up in a row. America threatened, lured and pressed on at every stage, and the North Korea and Iran were very complicated and confusing. The North-East Asia and the Middle-East areas fell into the edge of the war again. The subject of this article is the comparison that between the North Korea nuclear crisis and Iran nuclear crisis and the main shaft is American nuclear policy. This article analyses comprehensively and comparatively the North Korea nuclear crisis and Iran nuclear crisis on the base of analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and the region and treat of both.This article first introduces the current nuclear situation and the rising up of nuclear issues, and on this base summarizes nuclear policies that America leaps over several governmental stages, and clarifies that counter nuclear proliferation and maintaining nuclear monopolization is the main starting point of its nuclear policy.The second chapter mainly introduce the background, region and current status of the above two ideas, and furthermore explained separately that two development stages and treat. The third chapter is the main part of this article, and it analyses the differences between North Korea crisis and Iran crisis from the background, the cause of escalation and the aim of related countries.In the end, I summarize that the main points of this article is that to root out the nuclear crisis completely and clear up the nuclear proliferation, we should do both followmgs at least: first, American must abandon its idea of cold war, and repeatedly adjust its nuclear policy;second, international society should agree on unanimously and try their best to strengthen and perfect Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
Keywords/Search Tags:North Korea nuclear crisis, Iran nuclear crisis, Nuclear proliferation, Nuclear policy
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