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The Study Of Liability For Fault In Negotiating

Posted on:2007-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360185487008Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theory of liability for fault in negotiating is a vital breakthrough of the traditional contract theories of continental law system. It is great impacts to the traditional contract theories. With the development of more than 100 years, the theory system of liability for fault in negotiating has become relatively very mature, and it has already been acknowledged by Chinese contract law of March 15,1999. But just like other legal theories, it also needs incessant renovations. In order to establish the reasonable system of civil liability, the article decides to study some issues on this principle. On the basis of this, it also thoroughly analyses the contemporary system of liability for fault in negotiating stipulated by Chinese active contract law, and puts forward some legislative improvement advices and suggestions.The article comprises of preface, four main content parts and conclusion.The preface part, mainly introduce appearance background of the theory of liability for fault in negotiating, the purpose and the basic ideas of this article.Part 1 is the outline of liability for fault in negotiating. The author insists that liability for fault in negotiating is one kind of civil liability arising from the damages that one contract party infringe upon the other party for violating the prior contract liability on the basis of good faith doctrine because of his malicious or negligent act. The theoretical basis of...
Keywords/Search Tags:liability of for fault in negotiating, good faith, prior contract obligation, reliance benefit
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