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Officials From Traditional To Modern Ethical Civil Service Ethics

Posted on:2007-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L LiuFull Text:PDF
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Whether in traditional or modern society social, Officials moral orientation and actual performance is the moral model for the entire community. It is the moral statements from officials advocated social perception about the moral requirements and unable to distinguish between right and wrong from the ethical conduct judgement. Traditional society and modern social ethics officials in the civil service ethics at the root of the emergence and development of the historical conditions and the times have their own peculiarities of the different. But whether in traditional or modern, any officials in a certain class or group of services, and must be loyal to the class or group interests, the commonality of their code of conduct and may also have universal. This is not due to cultural traditions official ethics class and the limitations of the era of constant naturalization and for the delivery of modern reason. This article is divided into six parts: Part of the significance of research ethics officials, mainly on the second part of the emergence and development of traditional ethics for officials with the material, political and cultural conditions Systems. The third part is the combination of two components of a traditional society official ethics external environmental conditions, targeted to the specific nature of representation and heritage officials Germany content such as : fair, diligent, honest and conducted by theoretical analysis Xiuji. the need for the formation of the polit. The fourth part is to have a modern civil service ethics and cal, economic and cultural conditions analysis for the fifth part of the civil service ethics for conversion from traditional to modern conditions of the...
Keywords/Search Tags:Moral, Tradition, Officials, Modern Civil Service
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