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Improve The Legal System Of Anti-money-laundering

Posted on:2007-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360185981149Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Money-laundering,a serious problem is globally trending. In the face of money-laundering, in Western countries and relevant international organizations to adopt legislation and the establishment of a more rigorous system of the control system. In recent years, China's money laundering is growing increasingly serious harm. But our existing anti-money laundering laws are not enough to improve the system. This article should draw on the successful experience of the advanced countries and regions, on how to further improve our country's anti-money-laundering legal regime explored with a view to building on our anti-money laundering system useful.The article, a law school with financial multidisciplinary research methods combining theory and practice to explore the integrated use of comparative analysis methods, empirical analysis of our anti-money-laundering legal system means problems for the successful experience abroad, for the effective control of money laundering related to the building systems.The full text is divided into three parts :Chapter I: Money-laundering outlined. Briefed on the basic concepts of money laundering and basic theoretical issues, noting that money laundering in the country's current situation and development trend of China's anti-money laundering responsibilities and significance.Chapter II: Our country's anti-money-laundering legal system. Compared with foreign system, the existing anti-money back our legal system, that our anti-money-laundering legal system deficiencies mainly laws and regulations are not perfect, anti-money laundering system inadequate governmental organizations, financial institutions, money-laundering system is not perfect enough, the lack of effective international cooperation.Chapter III: Our country's money-laundering legal system improved. This paper is part of the focus. In reference to successful experiences abroad on the basis of a sound legal system of our anti-money laundering specific recommendations. My recommendation to develop specialized anti-money-laundering law; perfect the relevant provisions of criminal law, including the expansion of the scope of money laundering predicate offences, the subjective element of expansion, increase penalties penalty; Recommendations sound government organizations against money-laundering system, the soundness of financial institutions against money laundering system, strengthening the financial prevent money-laundering; Meanwhile, the establishment of anti-money-laundering work interests incentive mechanism, and strengthen international cooperation to counter money laundering. We can establish a strict control system for controlling money laundering.
Keywords/Search Tags:Money-laundering, anti-money-laundering, Legal system, Perfect
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