The circulation of the management right of rural land contracting is the key to perfect the system of the right of rural land contracting. And the right of rural land contracting is the core of rural land law system. So the circulation of the management right of rural land is very important. The purpose of the article is that form researching the circulation to perfect the system of the right of rural land contracting, carry out the circulation effectively, realizing the scale management of agricultural, improve the productivity. This text mainly passes the more analytical method, substantial evidence analysis method, history analysis method etc. In the base of researching our country foundation of the related policy, law and the society present condition, we got the method to perfect the system.The article is divided into three parts. In the first part it is going to research the implication and characteristic of the management right rural land contracting and the circulation of the management right of rural land contracting. And it is going to research the status and functions of every subject in the circulation. In the second part it is analyzing the condition and important problems of it the shortcomings in the circulation of the management right of rural land contracting. In the third part it is going to research the ways of the circulation of the management right of rural land contracting. The third part is the most important of all, and it is the purpose of the article. The creative point of this article is that putting forward the suggestion of perfecting the circulation system. |