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Discussing The Rationality Of Adopting Polymerization Liabilities In Inflicting Impartment

Posted on:2008-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C SunFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Inflicting impartment is a kind of severe action of breach of contract resulting in loss of performing benefit as well as inherent benefit. In traditional civil code , performing benefit was protected by contract law,but inherent benefit by tort law. In China, inherent benefit is protected according to the principle of joinder which can not afford the complete compensation. In this disquisition,the author demonstrates the rationality of adopting polymerization liabilities in inflicting impartment on the base of comparative study. The thesis consists of four parts besides the foreword and the epilogue : Chapter one mostly expatiating the connotation and character of Inflicting impartment ; Chapter two analyzing the stipulations about Inflicting impartment in Chinese laws after comparing disposal principles of overseas laws; Chapter there demonstrating the rationality by four aspects combining the theory of civil code; Chapter four exoatiating deeply on the meaning of polymerization liability ,analyzing incorporate forms of polymerization liabilities and pointing out inflicting impartment is the most representative polymerization of breach of contract and torts.
Keywords/Search Tags:tortious liabilities, liability for breach of contract, inflicting impartment, joinder, polymerization
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