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Rational Reflection On Machine-processed Revolution Of Procuratorial Work Guides Investigation

Posted on:2007-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Machine-processed revolution of procuratorial work guides investigation is an innovation, which was brought out by the procurator. And its content is procurator gets involved in the investigation of hard important complex cases in time and decide correct aspect and guide the investigation personnel follow the need of prosecuting at all aspects and collect evidences. In China, machine-processed revolution of procuratorial work guides investigation has become a topical subject in the recent few years. It is considered as the focus of new criminal idea and present procuratorial work. This paper according to the modern idea of legal system, ordinary legal principle, legal provisions and the legislate spirit, the mechanism is worthy of consideration in terms of legal principle basis, legal basis as well as the value and effect. This kind of system shouldn't be studied with the starting point of a certain popular proposition. It should be put into the concrete criminal idea and the practice of this country. By studying the experiences of other counties we find that the virtuous motion of the relationship between procuratorial and police is supported by the serial system and in serial system. While many of the supporting factors hasn't shaped yet. So in that case, conduct legal revolution need to be discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Procuratorial work guiding investigation, procuratorial organ, public security organ, legal supervision
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