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Research On The Security Mechanism Of The Criminal's Appearance In Court Giving His Deposition

Posted on:2007-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A D ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The testifier's appearance in court giving his deposition directly concerns the justness of the trial, which, however, is not very clearly stated in the relevant law of our country, and the security mechanism that the witness appears in court almost stays a blank. Based on the theoretical foundation and legal value of the testifier's appearance in court, this thesis, firstly, fully describes the independent value of the testifier's appearance in court in the proceeding. Secondly, by the means of comparative study, the author introduces some relevant mature law systems abroad, and then, while analyzing the existing defects of our country in this aspect, she emphatically probes the necessity and legal value of the prosecuting attorney's appearance in court, analyses the problems that have emerged in the practice of the prosecuting attorney's and the appraiser's appearance in court, defines the extension of the above personnel's appearance in court and designs the proceeding that involves their appearance in court and testimony. Finally, the author presents her complete and detailed fabrication of how to consummating our country's security mechanism of criminal testifiers' appearance in court.
Keywords/Search Tags:Criminal testifier, Appearance in court giving one's deposition, Security mechanism
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