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Research On The Road Traffic Accident Damages Liabilities

Posted on:2007-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J D WuFull Text:PDF
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From 1886,when the German invented the first gas engine motor vehicle, people enjoyed the travel advantage it brought. At the same moment, traffic accidents did harm to human's life and properties. With the 21st century coming, the number of the motor vehicle is expanding greatly. In the face of the more and more harm the accident brings, how to give a effective and timely compensation to the victims, and how to defend and keep within limits to the happens of the latent traffic accident are becoming important for the stabilization development of our society. Law, as the result of the human's rational and the embodiment of human's civilized system, should make system for it. The People's Republic of China Road Traffic Safety Law put in to force in May 1st, 2004, gives a certain lawmaking criterion to the liability for torts of the traffic accident. Because this law is of administrative character in the whole, it doesn't stipulate the damages of traffic accidents in details. Therefore, this article begins with the conception of road traffic accident. Then it discusses the composing of the civil burden in the traffic accidents, the principle of the fixation of liability, the subject of damages liability and the range of compensation, etc.. This article also makes theoretical research on the basis of comparing relevant foreign legislations in order to improve our legislations on road traffic accident damages on the basis of balancing the interests of troublemakers in the accident and victims.
Keywords/Search Tags:traffic accident, the principle of the fixation of liability, responsible subject, the range of compensation
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