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The Law's Control Of The Commercial Bank's Loan Risk

Posted on:2007-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Base on the cone status and profundity infection of the commercial bank in modern economy world, it is important that the commercial blank developments healthy and speedily and super efficiency. And the risk of providing a loan have restricted the commercial bank's development. So, author writes this article-the Law's Control of the Commercial Bank's Loan Risk.In this article, author use four parts to discuss the law's control of the commercial bank's loan risk. The first, discussed the loan risk of commercial bank and cause of formation. The second, discussed the checkup of provide a loan. The third, studied the contract article of loan. Finally, author advanced artifices to protest the commercial bank loan's rights.In this article, author has advanced the theory - make the best of law's resource to control the commercial bank risk, and has done the disquisition of the Law's Control of the Commercial Bank's Loan Risk, it will be active action and infection to save from damage the commercial bank's loan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Loan risk of commercial bank, Checkup loan, Loan contract, Protested loan rights
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