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Reform Of The System Of Reeducation Through Labor On The Legislation

Posted on:2008-07-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Re-education through labor is an innovative legal system, which plays an important role in nearly half a century. However, with the development of China's politics , economy, culture and other aspects, Especially setting up "rule of law" and increased attention to human rights protection, It's own shortcomings and historic limitations are increasingly growing,Re-education system is facing questions and challenges, it's urgent to reform. In recent years, scholars and the international community's litigation made the reform more and more urgent. The paper introduces the historical development process of the system in detail, Codifies features in the various periods, explores problem and its causes in the re-education system. Along with the constant development of the rule of law, The system's legitimacy, reasonableness and justness are greatly challenged and become the focus in the struggle for human rights and international media attention. For this, the author analyses various points according to reform of the system of reeducation through labor, Studies abroad security system and punishment for minor crimes, and compares it with re-education system in our country ,and suggest to reference abroad misdemeanor system; combined with China's conditions, reform system of reeducation through labor, to be misdemeanor, to be included in penalty system. Through legislation thought on the system of reeducation through labor ,I hope, map out feasibility program that can be referenced during reform process, promote the reeducation into the legal system as soon as possible, to make China's legal system more sound and more perfect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reeducation through labor, Misdemeanor system, Legislative thoughts
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