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Several Questions About The Injuries And Deaths Caused By Robbery

Posted on:2009-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the last few years, with the continuous development of the country, there are more and more robberies. Because of the imperfect of the law, there are many questions in convicting. But the questions should be resolved in the end, the writer point her opinions on the base of others.There are three parts.The first part: the writer talks about the subjective in the process of robbery. The writer proves her points in three areas: the meaning of violence, the concept of Consequential Aggravated Criminal, the specific legal provisions.The second part: the writer talks about the relationship between robbery and the results. We must point out that there are direct and musty relationships if we want to make the perpetrator be responsible for his behavior. For those accidental events, the behavior should not be responsible for that. Besides, we should limit the scope of"men", the"men" means victims and other persons, not the behavior and his associates. The writer talks about the fetus, too.The third part: the writer talks about the convicting in the process of robbery chiefly. The writer thinks that the behavior should be responsible robbery if he murders others before or in the process of robbery, because murder just is the means of robbery. If the murder occurs after the robbery, the behavior should be responsible for murder and robbery on the base of constitute of crime.
Keywords/Search Tags:robbery, to be injured and dead, Causal relationship, convicting
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