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Comment On Land Levy System

Posted on:2008-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H W XuFull Text:PDF
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When the path of China's Urbanization turns quickly, a great deal of village land is expropriated and many peasants lose the land. Because of the defects and inside collision in the existing legislation on land expropriation, the current urbanization is drived at the cost of peasants'benefits. It will bring heavy disaster for peasants and the nation. The reformation of the system of land expropriation has become a hot problem of social concern. Setting out from the state of our country, the article tries to comb the development of the expropriation system, examine its shortcomings, discuss the deep reason of shortcomings'formation by drawing lessons from the foreign successful experience on the basis of defining the land expropriation. The article tries to improve the land expropriation legislation of china by renewing ideas and construction of system. I expect this article could attract a jade by throwing out a brick and do a little help to the reformation.Besides the preface and conclusion, the article includes five parts:The first part is the analysis of standard about the land expropriation. The author creatively puts forward that land expropriation is a kind of compound action and we should carry out the protective principle of protecting private rights in land expropriation.In the second part, the author inspects the alien system on land expropriation and introduces the mature experience of the alien system.In the third part, the author looks back the history of the land expropriation and summarize two inspirations.In the fourth part, the author elaborates the shortcomings in the existing land expropriation system and analizes why the system can't perform great function.The fifth part is the key one of this article. The author puts forward some ideas on the perfection of the land expropriation legislation such as giving special protection to peasants and giving point protection to private rights. On this foundation, the author designs some counter plans to perfect the legislation.
Keywords/Search Tags:peasants, land expropriation, public interest, protection of private right, Compensation of land expropriation, procedure of land expropriation
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