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On The Improvement Of People's Supervisor Systen

Posted on:2008-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S ZhangFull Text:PDF
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The people's supervisor system is a kind of system to further strengthen the outside supervision on examination power, to prevent the examination power abusing, and to guarantee the examination power's being carried out correctly by consummating the surveillance mechanism. It is a beneficial exploration besides the people's jury system and the people's mediation system. And it is also significant to strengthen the examination system reform and realize judicial democracy. However, as a new reform measure, the people's supervisor system is still on trial and need perfecting.Based on the Chinese national conditions, this article provides a thorough consideration of improving the people's supervisor system according to its origin and content. It has given the proof according to the current judicial idea to this system value foundation and the legal foundation. This article has carried on the comparison among our people's supervisor system and the American grand jury pattern and the Japanese examination checking committee system. It begins with the basic content of our people's supervisor system, and the significance it brings to the examination system. And finally makes the rules of the current people's supervisor's stipulation a master line with combining the problems arising through practice and possible solutions to perfect this new system.The people's supervisor system is an organic combination of the innovation and reform of both political and judicial systems. It is a beneficial and successful attempt to perfect our examination system under our present political system. It is bound to bring positive effects to the reform of our judicial system and promote the development of the judicial system reform.
Keywords/Search Tags:the people's supervisor, legal supervision, perfect system
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