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Research Of Personal Bankruptcy System In International Community

Posted on:2009-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360242988723Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The personal bankruptcy system runs through the development process of the world's bankruptcy system. However, the personal bankruptcy system in our country is still in legislative gap. This article aims to study the legislative experiences of international community's personal bankruptcy system, providing references for our country's personal bankruptcy system construction. The article first introduces the development of personal bankruptcy system in international community, articulates its background and basic content. This is followed by the main contents of international community's representative personal bankruptcy system, laying the foundation for the next enlightenment experiences. Again, the article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of international community's personal bankruptcy system, summes up experiences and enlightenments which help for China's personal bankruptcy legislation. Finally, the article studies the building of the personal bankruptcy system in our country from necessity and feasibility study, procedural and substantive aspects, with a view to benefit the future legislation of our country in personal bankruptcy system.The main feature of this article is that throughing an in-depth study tour of international community's representative personal bankruptcy system, analyzes personal bankruptcy system from international community's personal bankruptcy system's development trends, objective needs, legislative models, specific systems, reaches all-round international experiences and enlightenments, provides references for our country's personal bankruptcy system construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Personal bankruptcy, International community, Enlightenment experiences, Construction
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