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A Study Of Rousseau Politics Design's Logic Beginnings

Posted on:2009-07-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G D LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360245473967Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Political design is the main subject for political study.We are familiar with the political societies and orders.Humans are destined to live in pilitics.As Aristotle said, man is by nature a political animal,which is the relation definition between human and pilitics.Good political life and its construction are the eternal subjects for political study.Many great thinkers and scholars having been devoted their great efforts to this study past times and nowtimes, China and abroad.Human political life has being improved and developed in this process of wisdom contributions.Rousseau's consideration about idea political society is involved in his thought of political design.The Social Contract no doubt is a great writing about his political design. However,we are also shocked at the book's small.We are forced to throw our sight on his other essays.Together with Discourse on the Study of the Sciences and the Arts .Discourse on the Origin of Inequality,Emile,the four great works indicts the main principles of his political design.We also are surprised at the contents of his thought,which can be counted about as contract theory,sovereignty theory,citizen liberty and equality and so on.Yet inner deeply doubts still exist. Instead of giving a complete explanation or reading about his grand and complex theory, this article is intended to explain his political design logical beginnings.This essay is divided into six parts, each of which is related to the logical beginnings of his political design.Chapter one is an description about Rousseau's thought study,which includes intention,significant,methods of this essay.Having studied and concluded Rousseau's thought study in China and abroad,this article is devoted to a context interpretation,which absorbed a research method transformation in west Rousseau's thought study.Chapter two discusses that freedom(or liberty) and equality are the two main virtures of Rousseau political design.Freedom and equality naturally exited in his thought of nature state,which should not be attended. Freedom and equality existed in that state by nature.We discusses freedom and equality subjects in nature state in this part.Chapter three talks about the good human nature as possible and necessary prerequisites of political design.Their is a requirement towards human nature in Rousseau's political design.We can not understand his political design if we do not consider human nature idea.This part is main related to vacancy of good or virtue in modern civilized society.The fourth chapter discusses the noble savage as individual foundation of Rousseau political design.We have discussed the human nature,which naturally is not enough.We continue to suggest the transformation logic from nature good to noble virtue ,also his conscience theory.The fifth chapter talks about citizen sovereignty as foundation of his political design. Citizen sovereignty constructs as foundation of legitimate political society. We have talked about Rousseau's core thoughts in this part,such as ligitimacy and certainty of political society,contract theory,sovereignty theory.The sixth chapter is a conclusion of this long article.We talked about theory of nature and society states more deeply.We also pointed out fetal contradictory places of his great thoughts;which amendments are implicaed.
Keywords/Search Tags:political design, liberty and equality, human nature, noble savage, citizen sovereignty
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