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The Support Of Social Capital And The Innovation Of The Endowment Rural Community

Posted on:2009-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B R LuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the ageing of population in rural, the traditional old-age security model in the rural areas has been subjected to tremendous impact. In order to satisfy the pension demand of the village old-age population betterly, we must innovate the old-age security model. In this context, the superiority of the endowment rural community becomes more and more obviously. The development of the endowment rural community needs the coordination and participation between personal, family, community etc. the multiple interests mainstay. The theory of social capital provides a new theory perspective for such participation. This article first examines the promoting role of the social capital in the endowment rural community, and then discusses the predicament from the social capital when we are developing the endowment rural community. Finally, this text puts forward some suggestions about how to foster social capital, in order to provide financial support, life care and spiritual support for the members of the community and promoting sustainable development of the endowment rural community.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social capital, Community, community care, the endowment rural community
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