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Research On Admnisitration Cost-From New Institution Economics Perspective

Posted on:2009-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ZhuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360245987554Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The low cost government or the efficiency government is one of the superior government design in ideal. The status that government locates the and the function it displays decided that the administrative cost has broadly influence to social and public. In our country, along with the market economy developing, particularly under the background of the current economic globalization and join into the WTO, the government administration becomes the essential strength that decide a country's international competitive. The economical principle that the market economy carries out make the government must transform its former value idea. The administrative cost becomes the focal problem that the entire society pays attention to. The establishment of the government organization, the personnel equipment, the government's behavior in economy, politics and the society are all relate to the cost. And the cost possibly involves government's resources investment, the potency as well as social fair and efficiency. Therefore the administrative cost research is not only under the necessary of the government reforms, but also is the important component in modern government theory. So the administrative cost is a comprehensive question. The existence of the highly administrative cost affects the construction of the low cost government and the party's ruling status consolidated. Therefore, it is especially important to explore the new way of rationalization administration cost in recent time from the new institution economics perspective.This article primary intention is not to study the rational administration cost from the new institution economics perspective, but attempts to control administration cost. It include some basic concepts, the theory discussion as well as the administration cost growth rule in four big representative economical provinces. This article mainly research the administration cost from the new institution economics perspective. The paper approximate structure is as follows:The first chapter is the paper's introductory remarks. Mainly to the background and the significance of the paper, the domestic and foreign research conditions, the research mentality and the chapter structure, and the innovation and the deficiency of the paper.The second chapter is to elaborate the economic transaction cost, system vicissitude theories, elaborate administration from the new institution economics perspective in order to provide the theory basis for this article research. The third chapter is the empirical study, according to the research need, uses the method of model contrast research, select four economy developed provinces in our country to analysis, such as Guangdong, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the eleventh five years programming. And find the rule of administration cost growth through the analysis. The fourth chapter is the choice under the realistic national condition. In view of the analysis, china can solve the problems from several aspects, such as control system outside the administrative cost actively, strict the cost of control system in seeking the cost and reasonable control system vicissitude cost.The fifth chapter is the conclusion.Through the above analysis, we may educe two conclusions: first, the causes of the administration cost is complex and comprehensive ; second, our country's administration cost has three difficult problems to solve, how to lower the the high rate as soon as possible, how to realize the optimize structure, how to improve the administration expenditure .
Keywords/Search Tags:New Institution Eeonomics, Government, Admnisitration Cost, Institution Cost
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