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Temper Justice With Mercy Criminal Policy Of Improving The Conditions Of Arrest

Posted on:2009-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y XuFull Text:PDF
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"Temper justice with mercy criminal policy"is China's basic criminal justice policy. It should be clear how the existing conditions of arrest to be improved to meet the relief phase"temper justice with mercy criminal policy", is of great significance.First of all, my article of the criminal policy of economic"temper justice with mercy"phase of the concept and content to be defined and analysis, reveals the historical evolution of the criminal policy of enlightenment.China's arrest and then inspected the conditions stipulated in the status quo of conflict areas on the analysis, summarized in the relief phase"temper justice with mercy criminal policy"of improving the conditions of arrest should be made clear in the past.Official arrested for last-law, analysis of the evidence to prove the conditions should be clear criteria, factors to consider, at the time of the introduction of standards; Conditions in the penalty provisions should be run through each stage of the legitimacy of the review, the penalty will be declared as industry classification and treatment of punishment, imprisonment for the following exceptions to the provisions of the situation;Conditions should be to eliminate the need to push back, clear legislation, to take enumeration methods.Changes in the type of arrest characteristics and analysis on the current situation, and with"temper justice with mercy criminal policy"under the guidance of the design of a number of measures to improve.
Keywords/Search Tags:Temper justice with mercy, conditions of arrest, the evidence conditions, the penalty conditions, the eliminate conditions
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