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Guaranteed Right's Mechanism For Police

Posted on:2009-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H GaoFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, the police being attacked by violence or non-violence has been emerging endlessly. Policemen's human rights of health, dignity- are always challenged and the rights to have a refreshment and maintain healthy are always interfered.various reasons lead to the infringmeng over police's leagal rights:influence of unhealthy social enviirngement,mistakes and deviations of the bublic opinion and imperfection of laws and regulations. The law enforcement activity of the police can not be guaranteed by the law and police force is used improperly,wich leads to the tense relationship between the police and the public.the psychologicao status of the police is not in a good condition.In today's society, the rule of law, the police and citizens, have the right to be a civilized legal system brought about by the Justice and Equality. Police in the protection of the rights and interests of the people, their own rights and interests should be effectively protected. This is not only a moral community, but also legal responsibility. Only from the system of laws and regulations, protection measures, improving the quality of their own people's police protection of the interests of law enforcement mechanisms, improve the people's police and law enforcement capacity to protect themselves in order to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the civilian police.
Keywords/Search Tags:police's rights, guaranteed mechanism, measures
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