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The Meaning Of Common Crime In Contact

Posted on:2009-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360272471742Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Common crime is the focal point of common understanding of crime deliberately performance of the external factors. Contact the common meaning of the crime that directly affect whether or not a common crime, therefore, study means to contact the common understanding of factors in determining the existence and extent of the right to identify common intentional nature and scope of great significance. The current judicial practice and theoretical circles in the course of contact for the meaning of common crime in the position and role, the meaning of contact and liaison in the ordinary meaning of common crime, the fault of common crime, common crime in the one-sided that are in dispute. This article from the common meaning of crime to contact the definition of common crime means to contact the comparison study, common crime means the establishment of liaison elements, common crime means to contact the four-part study finds that the common meaning of crime and that the establishment of contact, thus in theory, better understanding, guidance and services in the common criminal justice practice.Meaning contact means that common crime is to contact people to express, implied or acquiescence of the way, a common deliberately subjective thinking and communication links, indicated their willingness to implement the common criminal acts. Contact the meaning of common crime characterized by a total of prisoners must have the appropriate criminal responsibility, common crime means contact must be two-way communication, common crime means contact must take place in the common criminal acts before the end of the common meaning of contact crime must occur in criminal acts before the implementation of the act or acts in the course of implementation. Meaning in the form of contact, including express, implied or tacit approval of three ways. Contact the meaning of common crimes should be set up from the point of crime, criminal purpose and motives of crime and the criminal facts and the causal link between the three aspects to that. For different types of crime means that the contact, including ordinary crime, conspiracy common principal offence, one-sided accomplices, criminal negligence in the common meaning of the contact should also be identified from the legal theory and judicial practice two aspects to be identified.
Keywords/Search Tags:meaning contact, common crime, the establishment of the elements, identified
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