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Procedures For Land Expropriation In China

Posted on:2010-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360275479745Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recent year, along with our country countryside urbanization advancement quickening, levies the countryside land the situation to increase day after day, from this initiates the dispute also assumed the fast trend of escalation, the countryside land collection question already becomes the hot topic which our country country and the society paid attention highly and urgently awaited to be solved.At present, in our country land collection dispute question main performance for levies the land the authorization chaotic, the collection process not public, the compensation expense excessively is low and the compensation expense provide not prompt and so on the aspects.The author believed that, drafts the procedure dislocation and chaotic is causes our country to draft in the place the contradictory prominent important reason. Therefore, the land collection procedure perfect and perfectly regarding prevents and corrects our country to draft in process each kind illegal, the contrary phenomenon and protects farmer's each right to have the great significance.This article embarks from the farmland collection legal science rationale, unifies author's experience, using research techniques and so on the survey procedure, literature law, comparison analytic method, system analytic method carries on the analysis to our country land collection procedure present situation, the analysis land collection procedure flaw and the reason, proposed the construction perfect land collection procedure tentative plan according to our country's special national condition.This article altogether divides into four parts, first part for land collection procedure rationale.This part of main elaboration land collection procedure concept, introduction land collection general way and step. Second part for countries outside of this region and local land collection procedure and model.The third part analyzes our country land collection procedure the present situation and the flaw.This part introduced our country land collection legal procedure, had pointed out separately in our country land collection examines and approves the procedure, the announcement procedure, the hearing procedure as well as the compensation procedure present situation and the flaw. Fourth part for our country land collection procedure construction.This part is the this article place of innovation, the author unifies our country's actual national condition, has constructed our country land collection procedure, proposed and proved has consummated our country land collection dispute to solve the mechanism suggestion.
Keywords/Search Tags:land collection, land collection procedure, farmer, public interest, dispute solve the mechanism
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