Abetting, help infringement, including infringement of two types, namely, to help abetting violations and infringement, the act is based on fault or abetting others to help implement, with the result that people were abetting a third party or to help people for the damage caused by the implementation of tort shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility, is a special form of tort.In this paper, drawing on the relevant criminal law theory, comparative analysis of the use of the method, abetting, to help constitute a tort, type, nature and responsibility to carry out the analysis. Constitute abetting help tort, of course, to comply with the general elements constitute infringement, that is, abuse, damage to the facts, the facts of violations and the damage and the causal relationship between the perpetrator's subjective fault. However, abetting, help is a special kind of infringements infringement shape, its composition there are some unique elements.The special nature lies in the fact that help people and abetting the implementation of no direct infringement, but by the instigation of others or to help to achieve, that is to say through the instigation of either an act or acts to help achieve. Abetting acts, the act is implemented based on fault, the use of induction, persuade, encourage, etc. so that the intention of the other party to accept the implementation of the acts of infringement; helping behavior is the fault of the perpetrator to provide assistance to others, was to help people contribute to violations The purpose of the infringement to succeed and achieve. Criminal law, where appropriate, draw on the basis of theory, combined with the characteristics of their violations, we believe that the act of abetting acts and help to make the following classification: abetting acts of incitement can be divided into type abetting, trap type abetting, the threat of type abetting, abetted and inspired type persuade-type abetting; help also can be divided into physical help and spiritual assistance, direct assistance and indirect help. As a result of acts of incitement and help with a certain degree of cross, so in some cases, we should be analysis.Abetting, with help from the infringement of property and the promotion, drawing on national legislation and the combination of our common concepts and constitutes copyright infringement, this paper argues that man-made addition to abetting people without capacity for civil conduct of the case, other abetting help can constitute infringement joint tortfeasor. Based on this, except in special circumstances, shall be abetting or helping people with direct infringement of the victim to bear jointly and severally liable for infringement. Responsible for the acts jointly and severally liable for the infringement, if the amount of compensation should be more than his share, which can also carry out other common tort recovery, the scope of the specific fault of its own level of behavior as well as force economic conditions to be considered and so... |