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The Civil Jurisdiction In The Cyberspace

Posted on:2010-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H PanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The word cyberspace was coined by the Canadian writer William Gibson,in 1984.During 20 years.The development of the Internet has profoundly changed the economy and society.There are basic differences between the traditional material space and the very space which was created by human beings utterly.The digital space consists of byter-0-1 and we sometimes consider it as scientific technology.But because of its special characteristics,the theory of traditional jurisdiction has been shaken.So how to regulate the cyberspace,how to modify the out-date law,how to handle problems of the jurisdiction on the net are becoming the common concerns today.The dissertation pays close attention to the legislation and law practice in China,and put forward some stands for not following the tide of international jurisdiction theory blindly.We'd better revising and making laws only within necessary scopes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cyberspace, Jurisdiction, Traditional Principle, Website
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