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Home Services Staff Research Personal Injury Compensation System

Posted on:2010-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q D GuoFull Text:PDF
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Since domestic service is a flexible,non-formal forms of employment; Domestic service relationship as a non-standardized labor relations related to the lack of clear norms and regulations, So when Home Economics Home Economics waiter in the provision of services process personal injury accidents, that duty, is incumbent upon the very existence difficult, Court cases in the face of such co-contractors of different phenomena is inevitable. In this paper, the type of domestic service system of based on the analysis, of Home Economics Service waiter at the course of the personal injury liability in the accident analysis, and made a number of domestic waiter for the effective protection of the rights and interests of views.This article is divided into three chapters, by the two cases leads to domestic workers compensation personal injury. The first chapter of the domestic service relationship between the analysis of relevant laws, and on this basis a system of classification of domestic service. Chapter analysis of domestic service the existence of the type of personal injury, and to resolve the existing law against domestic workers compensation system. Chapter III Analysis of domestic personal injury compensation system attendant problems and make sound recommendations.Through the above-mentioned study was designed to allow people to attach importance to domestic protection of the rights of service personnel, which led to the attention of the relevant legislative branches, the promotion of domestic service specialized in the introduction of laws and regulations, and improve the management of domestic service norms, so that China's domestic service into the health and standardized the development of roads.
Keywords/Search Tags:Home Services, Personal Injury, Compensation system
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