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The Study From The View Of Ethic On The Construction Of Current Service-oriented Government

Posted on:2009-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L YuanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The mainstream of the 21st-century public administration is the dimension of service. At present, service-oriented government is the dominant administrative paradigm in China. It is related to not only the government's administrative values, function of government organs, social function, but also the government's rules and regulations, working patterns and working attitudes. Service-oriented government primarily emphasizes the notion of having services as its core value; and places the citizen-centering nature and the civil will in the decisive position in social management, aiming at remolding public administrative values and resolving the current problems of administrator's anomie of values. The establishment of service-oriented government is not finished overnight but a long-term complex and arduous task, relying on the implantation of concepts and the guarantee of external institutions. Surveying the service-oriented government in the perspective of ethics is propitious to thoroughly transform government's traditional administrative values, such as the ideas of "Ranking of Officials" and the bureaucratic work style. The kind of ethical survey can standardize and ethicize the setting of the superstructure and the legal system, ultimately ensure the realization of citizens' rights and solve the problem of power dissimilation.
Keywords/Search Tags:service-oriented government, value, rights, power
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