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China's Administrative Compensation For Moral Damage Compensation For The Study

Posted on:2011-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q YangFull Text:PDF
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Compensation for moral damages in the executive compensation system has been formed as early as in the developed world and in the continuous development. Does the administration to establish compensation for moral damage compensation system has become the measure of a country's level of democracy and the rule of law, an important symbol. Over the years, the practice of administrative trial on damages for victims of the spirit of the absence of legal support request be rejected, the victim's legitimate rights and interests can not be adequately protected, it is felt very helpless. The reason for this awkward situation, mainly because of China's administrative system of compensation for damages in the spirit of the legislation in a timely fashion.This is the spirit of China's civil compensation for damages in the system become more perfect and the formation of a great contrast. Therefore, this article combines classic case of China, analysis of China's administrative compensation system and the causes of the problems presented in the administrative compensation in China should establish compensation for moral damage and their conditions of application, specific scope, methods, standards and compensation procedures. It just passed the "National Compensation Act" in the future have a positive role in promoting the application.
Keywords/Search Tags:executive compensation, moral damages, compensation
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