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Harmonious World: Hu Jintao Doctrine And Chinese Foreign Policy

Posted on:2011-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360305498040Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The topic of this thesis is Chinese Foreign Policy on the concept of Harmonious World(和谐世界,hexie shijie). After a philosophical discussion on the Chinese view of world order and harmonious world concept, the thesis explores ancient Chinese perception of world order and provides a historical and philosophical background. According to Chinese President Hu Jintao, China wants to build a Harmonious World and will make its foreign policy according to this concept. So, the thesis attempts to explain what Harmonious World concept is and how China makes it. For this reason, the thesis analyzes Chinese multilateral approach. Multilateralism is a key factor that determines present Chinese foreign policy. The objective is to understand the Chinese peaceful challenge to the current unilateral and hegemonic world system. At the same time, multilateralism is helpful for China because of distribution of power and economic interdependence. Furthermore, the thesis explores Chinese Strategic Partnership, Chinese approach to its neighbors and its partnership policy. The goal of the chapter is to answer whether China is a threat to its neighbors or a chance to development of the region. In addition, the chapter will discuss China's approaches to its neighbor, harmoniously or not. Lastly, the thesis analyzes China's responsible engagement with world affairs, especially focusing on Chinese participation in UN peacekeeping operations, its contribution to UN budget, and the way that China approaches to international issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:Harmonious
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