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A Study On The Legal System Of Extended Producer Responsibility In China

Posted on:2011-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360305974549Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The productive force of the world has been increasing promoted greatly since 1960s. At the same time, excessive resource consumption and environmental degradation need to be realized. Therefore, the circular economy, which corresponding to the traditional industrial economy has been raised. The circular economy arranges economic activities into"resources-production-consumption-renewable resources"circle. Extended Producer Responsibility, as the enterprise's system of circular economy, has become an important theoretical and practical focus. Extended Producer Responsibility is the responsibility of the producer for its entire life cycle environmental impacts, and it focused on "green design" responsibility and post-consumer recycled waste produced by management responsibility. In the view of Extended Producer Responsibility system in China is still very backward, this article introduces the Extended Producer Responsibility related elements, current development in China and abroad, and it raises some suggestion to promote Extended Producer Responsibility system in China.This article starts with some basic theory, introduces the study of Extended Producer Responsibility's background, meaning, research development and research methods. Then it introduces the content and the theoretical basis of the Extended Producer Responsibility system. We can clearly on the Extended Producer Responsibility in the perceptual by the introduction of the legal relationship, including its subject, object and content. Then it introduces the developments and problems of the Extended Producer Responsibility in China. According to previously described, it shows the implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility for the legal system and related systems. The Conclusion is the summary of the full text and the outlook of the Extended Producer Responsibility.The innovation of this paper:First, based on the study and comparing of "three kinds of waste recycling model", it summaries the development model of the waste recycling in china, and raises the implementation of "three-step" development ideas of Extended Producer Responsibility in line with our national conditions. Second, it shows the industry associations'function in the implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:Extended Producer Responsibility, green design, vein Industry
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