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Discussion On The Liability Insurance And Tort Damages For Integration Of Social Development

Posted on:2011-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The impacts of liability insurance on modern tort law are comprehensive and pround, guiding the development direction of modern tort law's values, namely, from corrective justice to distributive justice. This particularly reflected in the liability insurance on tort damages system. As far as the function of tort law are concerned, liability insurance promotes the compensation goal while at the same time threatens the prevention goal. It is quite important for China to make our tort laws and liability insurance harmonized because of the imperfection of our social security system, the insolvency of tortfeasors, the wide existence of dangerous but socially desirable industries, and the underdevelopment of first-party insurance.China's tort law and liability insurance need to develop in a harmonious way so as to ensure the sound development of our society and economy, we need to recognize the necessity of two systems in the integration development. What we need to do is as follows: Constantly improving our liability insurance system and people's insurance awareness; Accelerating the development of the special community of the tort damages; Exploring the punitive liability insurance system.
Keywords/Search Tags:liability insurance, socialization of tort damages, compromise, punitive damages
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