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Basic Methods Of Physics Demonstration Experiment And Its Application In Design Of Experiments

Posted on:2012-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167330332490345Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Physics is a science that is formed in the exploration of the natural phenomenon and laws and it is based on experiments.Experiments have unique functions with their un-replaceable statuses in physics teaching. Demonstration experiment is the most common and most basic experiment in physics teaching.Therefore,it is of great significance to do well in physics demonstration experiment.Physics demonstration experiment is a process that shows visually physical phenomena to the students.Studying physics through the phenomenon is a shortcut.Famous educators Jean.Jaques.Rousseau , Johann.Amos.Comenius and Johann Helnrich Pestalozzi etc. have proposed object teaching principles.As teachers,we should often think about:how we can make the students accept the knowledge better and how we can make it easier for the students to accept the knowledge? This requires visualization teaching. Physics demonstration experiment can show physical phenomenon and physical processes visually in front of the students.It is more convincing than pure preaching when we verify physical laws and theorems.When teachers show demonstration experiment to the students ,rich,vivid physical phenomena is far beyond language.Students observe it.But now the physical demonstration experiment has far exceeded the scope.The first chapter puts forward background and significance of the research.On the basis of summarizing the current situation of physical experiment teaching in foreign countries, this paper analyzes the gaps of physical experiment teaching in our countries compared with foreign countries.The final part of this chapter discusses the developing characteristic of physics demonstration experiment .In the second chapter ,combining with Situated Teaching theory and Cone of Experience,the author expounds the basic theory of physical demonstration experiment. This chapter focuses on creating authentic situations when teachers do physical demonstration experiments ,it also stresses only authentic study helps to know the value of knowledge and it can be tools of solving practical problems.The third chapter presents the classification and principles of physical demonstration ,and summarizes its basic methods.Method is something that is universal and fundamental。The author hopes it can supply valuable reference to physics teachers by summarizing these methods.Based on chapter 3,chapter 4 discusses these methods how to be used in experimental design.The purpose is to make the teachers use the methods more flexibly and enhance teaching efficiency.Chapter 4 mainly introduces the use of ocular demonstration, contrastive demonstration, simulation demonstration, stroboscopic method, tracing method, tracer method, optic-electric convertion, oscillography method, piezoeletric conversion method physical demonstration emperiment design and provides some examples.The paper make a discusssion about the difficulties which the teachers may come across and how to overcome them.Chapter 5 discusses the application of computer simulation experiment and its limitations. Computer simulation experiment gives a new way for physical demonstration experiment. As the complement of true experiment, computer simulation experiment shows its advantage in many aspects.Some experiments have a certain danger or bad repeatability or some experiment equipments are very expensive and easily damaged etc..They can all be replaced by computer simulation experiments. The two methods complement each other, promote each other,enhance stronger points and avoid weakness,promote the teaching better.The paper emphasizes basic methods of physics demonstration experiment and its application in design of experiments.That is the third and the fourth section of the paper.On the basis of the research, the author can make great efforts to make our contributions to improving physics demonstration experiment teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:demonstration experiment, intuitional instruction, experiment design, experimental methods
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