Currently there have many problems in the Chinese teaching. Think deeply about the present situation, we will find that the reason why these happened laid in its neglected the inherence laws of Chinese education, deviated the tradition of accumulation. For this, Chinese Course Standards of Full-time Compulsory Education (experimental draft) issued in July 2001 repeatedly stresses that "accumulation" have very important meanings as a study mode in the Chinese studying. And claimed that student should have the abundance accumulation. Now the "accumulation "as a study mode has attracted people's wide attention. However, there have little people discuss it for a special theory. This thesis tries to do something for it.The thesis mainly covers four parts. The first part is the theoretical construction of Chinese accumulation studying. Chinese accumulation studying rooted form the Chinese traditional language education, it's also have ground basis of theory of cognizance evolution and psychology evolution theory. Chinese accumulation studying means process and tendency, comprehending the basic knowledge of Chinese, ideation of Chinese, expression ability of Chinese, and in connection with the Chinese teaching of the habit means, will character and sensibility manners and so on.The second part is the characteristics of the Chinese accumulation studying. Characteristics of the Chinese accumulation studying are the embodiment of its connotation. The theory itself with subjective, developable, practicable and exoteric. Among them, subjective and developable are mostly established in the angle of student to carry forward the subjective spirit. Practicable are the headspring of the Chinese accumulation studying, only in practice, Chinese accumulation can materialize its meanings. Exoteric are as for the extension of the Chinese accumulation studying. All these characteristics have their emphasizes respectively while they are unified to reveal the basic connotation.The third part is the principles of the Chinese accumulation studying. The principles are bridges between theory and practice. These principles are followed:(l) the principles of advance gradually in due order. The Chinese accumulation studying is a felicity process. This demands that we should follow the principle of the advance gradually in due order. Only grasp the quantity and quality these two parts accumulations, we can realize the qualitative change, we can attain the aim to raise the Chinese capacity. (2) The principle of stability. The aim of the Chinese accumulation studying is to keep the knowledge that have learned in the head, and put it to use when requested. New knowledge is developed in the basic of the old ones. If there have no review and solidify, there have no new knowledge. This principle guarantees the actualization of the Chinese accumulation studying. (3) The principle of linking ups the curricular and extracurricular. Chinese studying actually mother tongue studying. And the most characteristics and the mostsuperiority of the mother tongue studying is through using mother tongue to raise the Chinese ability in the mother tongue circumstance. For this, we should join the studying with the existence, to learn in the life, to raise up in the life. (4) The principle of carrying on tradition and innovation united. The tradition Chinese education thinks highly of accumulation. Intonement, Recitation and Perusal are basic teaching method in the ancientry china. But circumstances change with the passage of time, it is important to expound it in a stature of contemporary education theory. As a principle, innovation should infiltrate into every aspect of the accumulation action to realize their unification.The forth part is the strategy of the Chinese accumulation. Teaching strategy are key factors for the Chinese accumulation to be implementedand optimized. They can be generalized as:(1) Enlarge reading to promote accumulation. Reading is a very important way to enhance the student's Chinese attainment, enrich itself accumulation in lan... |