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A Study On The Art Of Leading-in In Senior High School Chinese Classroom Teaching

Posted on:2008-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360215479015Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Leads the class is in the high school language classroom instruction an extremely important link, not only whether leads a hall new class to affect is meeting down the text to explain and to analyze the link march, moreover is relating entire teaching goal completion with the teaching effect quality, therefore, regarding leads the class question the research to appear very important!This article persisted the investigation and study and the theory knowledge unify the principle, embarks actually from the high school language teaching, discovered the language classroom Intermediate-range class link exists the question, has established in view of this a series of questions face the teacher and student's two group of questionnaire, the union language pedagogy theory carries on the analysis to the questionnaire, again through own teaches the experience summary to summarize leads the literary style which the class the type and each kind of type adapt and the class, thus has provided the material for the general high school language teacher which may refer. The question which the article first from leads the class link the importance to embark the narration to lead which the class link the position, the function, should follow the principle and must pay attention, met down leads the class method and the influence factor to the high school language has made the analysis, then the revelation led the question which the class link existed and proposed to teacher's request, appealed the general educators all could invest the strength to care about this problem. The full text altogether divides into following four parts:First chapter mainly discussed leads the class link the importance. First elaborated leads the class link and the text explanation link and ties the class link the relations and leads the class link to these two link influence, meets down, summarized has led the class link five important functions, proposed seven questions which leads which the class link to be supposed to follow four principles and need to pay attention. Through their analysis, causes to lead the class of the importance clearly to present.Second chapter has first analyzed the language classroom instruction Intermediate-range class link commonly used method, then elaborated leads the class link the influence factor, and led the class to the different class to carry on the analysis.Third chapter narrated has led four questions which the class link existed, mainly aimed at the teacher to discuss. The teacher should realize fully to this link importance, cannot only in order to lead the class to lead the class, only then completes this link, can for meet down teaches the content to lay the good foundation.Fourth chapter discussed under the new curriculum background leads the class link to teacher's four requests, the teacher took in classroom instruction the organizer, should be clear about own localization, better displays oneself in the classroom instruction vital role, carries on smoothly for the classroom instruction activity prepares for.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching art, Teacher, Leads the class
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