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Research On Teacher Professional Acceptance Of Normal College Students

Posted on:2008-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360215479111Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This treatise is mainly about the acceptance of students who majoring in teacher-training in advanced normal college. The acceptance mainly includes that the students like their specialized field truly and like to be a teacher in future and have an affirmative emotion and frontal evaluation to their major. This paper gets the information of the acceptance situation and the factors affecting their acceptance by carrying out an investigation and research of the students majoring in teacher-training in an advanced normal college and makes reasonable suggestions to promote the teacher professional acceptance for students in advanced normal college.This research is carried out by the methods of distributing researching questionnaire and talking to the students face to face. This research uses the questionnaires that edited by the author based on summarizing the past document research as measuring tool, distributes the questionnaires to 372 students of Normal College of Baicheng City and gets the information of the acceptance situation. The results of this research are as follows:â… .In the mass, the students have high acceptance in all dimensions except their acceptances of normal college are a little lower than the average level.â…¡.Teacher professional acceptance has sexual differences. The female students' integral acceptance degree is higher than the male students'â…¢. Teacher professional acceptance has grade differences. The seniors' acceptance is higher than the freshmen'â…£.The art students' acceptance is higher than the science students'.â…¤.The factors that where the students come from, their economic position, the members in their families and their characters have influences on several dimensions of the teacher professional acceptance for students in normal colleges, but the influences are not very different from one other obviously.According to the above investigation results, this article put forward after analysis that to enhance the normal college students' teacher professional acceptance, we must realize it by combine society with the college interior and the students' own strive.
Keywords/Search Tags:students in normal college, professional acceptance, teacher professional acceptance
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