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Analysis On Solving Problems Of High School Tutor Professionalism

Posted on:2008-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360215979505Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of socialism market economy and college education, many new circumstances and problems have come to the thought and politics education of the college students. As the main guiders of college students, the tasks of the tutors become more and more heavy. But at present the construction of the tutor troop lags, and a series of problems influence the development of the tutor career, such as the organization of the staff being irrational, the parts being ambiguous, and the fluidity being frequent. The article analyses and summarizes the necessity and feasibility of the tutor professionalism in high school through the research for the materials and realities and attempt to bring forward pertinent professional instruction measures.There are three parts in the article. The first one is to introduce the general theory of profession, professionalism and the professionalism of the tutor in the high school. The second part is to demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of the tutor professionalism through the analysis hereinafter, including the history experience of the tutor system, the thought and psychology of the college students, the problems of the tutor troop, and the polices of the country. The third part brings forward some analysis solving problems for the tutor professionalism, such as establishing the systems of industry entrance and recruit, applying the science pattern of human management, practicing professional education and training, and doing action of the guild.
Keywords/Search Tags:High school, tutor, professionalism, problems, analysis solving problems
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