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A Study Of Private Universities Brand Construction

Posted on:2010-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J QuFull Text:PDF
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Since the economic revolution and opening up of China,private colleges and universities in China have a history of almost 30 years of development from their earliest stages to the prosperity seen today;and this has been a fruitful time for them. Legal protection,school size,public opinion,and many other areas have all seen significant improvement.However,compared with public institutions,the private schools' operation,quality,image,and other aspects are still in a weak position. Compared with American private schools,Chinese private schools are just in the beginning stages of development.To attain the status of American public and private universities which develop side by side with as equals,Chinese private universities still have a long road ahead of them.This thesis is set against that background.This thesis researches ways to lead private colleges and institutions in China past their challenges and into a competitive position in the global education market;it explores appropriate and realistic polices and methodology,from the perspective of operations and brand design,for the continued development of private schools.On the basis of a summary of the situation of private Chinese colleges and universities and referencing American private universities' operations experience and education,the writer of this paper believes that the operations and brand development of universities is domestic private colleges and universities' most effective way to overcome the challenges and competition they are facing.This is also a strategic choice for facing the current market environment.Private colleges and universities must achieve comprehensive,coordinated development and must continue to walk on two legs,one of which is operations management,and the other of which is brand development.Apart from university operations,a brand lacks a material basis and strategic preparedness.Without developing a brand,university operations will not be able to realize the desired profits and achieve the true purpose of university education. Operations management and brand development are in a mutual cause and effect relationship.The process of operating requires the inclusion of a brand concept;and design of a brand requires the inclusion of operational considerations.The two complement each other:you cannot have one without the other. This thesis is divided into four parts."An Overview of the Development of Domestic and Foreign Higher Education" starts from the background of the development of domestic and foreign private colleges and universities and presents particular problems that can only be solved through operations and brand development."Explanation of the Concept of University Operations and Brand Development" clarifies the concept and further analyzes the what and why of implementing university operations and brand design."Private Higher Education Operations Policy and Brand Building Methods" shows how to operate and how to develop a brand.In closing,there is what the writer sees as a very representative case study concerning operations and brand design which will explain the specific application of the ideas represented in this thesis to private colleges and universities.
Keywords/Search Tags:private colleges and universities, university operations, brand development
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