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Investigation And Analysis Of Post-graduate Academic Atmosphere And Its Influencing Factors

Posted on:2011-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360305976522Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The cultural atmosphere of the University determines the students trained by the quality and ability, will determine whether colleges and universities provide the community with high-quality personnel into the soil. The quality and scale of postgraduate education is a college level, quality and status of an important symbol of post-graduate education bears the important task of training high-quality personnel. Rich academic atmosphere for innovation and train graduate students to think of independence, creativity and pioneering, you can make professional skills training, knowledge structure has been improved; a healthy atmosphere for the promotion of post-graduate academic and moral formation of a scientific world outlook, cultivate graduate high moral quality; a good academic team atmosphere for the students to adapt quickly to go to work and carry out the work will be very beneficial; a good environment for academic exchanges to promote active participation in academic activities of graduate students, with tutors, students carry out research activities and academic exchanges is conducive to atmosphere of democracy and freedom to form and improve the graduate student relationships.Looking at the present stage of graduate education, graduate education, decline in the quality and graduate students ability to innovate to reduce, originality fewer and fewer academic achievements, the quality dissertation can not be guaranteed; academic atmosphere impetuous, learning objectives utilitarian; academic atmosphere is not dense, quantity and quality of academic activities are limited, post-graduate academic atmosphere of the university's development and improve the quality of graduate students are an extremely important role. Colleges and universities to achieve the school's operating level and educational level of the overall increase, we must constantly strengthen graduate students to create a good academic atmosphere. This study in-depth analysis of post-graduate academic atmosphere of the content, dimensions, influencing factors, based on questionnaires and interviews with the manner of our post-graduate academic atmosphere of the status and impact of a systematic examination of the factors and arguments against the findings of the post-graduate to create a good academic atmosphere is suggested.
Keywords/Search Tags:post-graduate academic atmosphere, Academic Innovation, Academic Ethics, Academic Team, Academic Exchange, Academic passion
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