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Research On The Status Quo Of Modern Edcational Technology Master's Degree Theses In Some Noramal Universities And Its Influencing Factors

Posted on:2011-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360308470546Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern educational technology occupies a prominent place during the education and teaching reform, so improving the capability of teachers'educational technology is an important measure to deepen teaching reform and improve teaching quality. In view of the important role of modern educational technology in basic education, modern educational technology major was designed to add for Education Master in 2002.It is mainly oriented to teachers who teach information technology curriculum in primary and secondary schools to improve the capability of teaching and educational technology applications and research, and then to promote education informationization' and improve the reform of basic education. However, the modern educational technology direction of Education Master has only be set up for a short time, therefore various problems emerged in the process of rapid development. So it has become an important research project to analyze how to improve the quality of modern educational technology direction of Education Master and how to ensure modern educational technology direction of Education Master's degree in health development.Degree thesis of Education Master is the ultimate step to test the quality and is an important scale index to test the education master's quality. Therefore, in order to study the status and existing problems of modern educational technology direction of Education Master's quality effectively, this study takes as research objects 60 modern educational technology direction of education master's degree thesis using document analysis, content analysis, questionnaire and other research methods.At first, it analyzes the basic status of modern educational technology direction of Education Master's degree thesis from the aspects of research types,research topic, research methods and citation. Secondly, it analyzes the problems of the modern educational technology direction of Education Master's degree thesis, and finds that the main problems are:(1)Selecting topics easy to accomplish, choosing the topic about system design and development too much,seeking new thoughts blindly while choosing a topic, making the degree thesis divorced from teaching practice.(2) The basic support theories of some papers are out of touch with the paper contents; the paper contents are hollow and general; the conclusions are inaccurate, and lacking in compactness and further refinement. (3) Generally, the illustration of research methods of some papers are not detailed, and the statements of research methods are inaccurate and inappropriate, and the application of research methods are not scientific.(4)The structures of some papers are incomplete and the writing of abstracts are non-standard; the application of charts are not well suited and the writing of references are non-standard. Then, it investigates and analyzes the factors which affect the quality of modern educational technology direction of Education Master's degree thesis, and finds that the main factors are cultivation mode, curriculum, the capability of Education Master and the management of universities.Finally, in view of the existing problems and impact factors, the strategies to improve the quality of modern educational technology direction of Education Master's degree thesis are proposed.The strategies include implementing a variety of cultivation modes to ease the contradiction between work and study, enhancing the course construction of education master and optimizing the course system, improving the capability of Education Master, strengthening the management of Master's degree thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:modern educational technology, education Master, degree thesis
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